Our Charities

Guys and St Thomas' Neurofibromatosis Unit

Miss Pauline’s daughter Ellen has the incurable condition,  Neurofibromatosis. She has received wonderful treatment from the NHS throughout her life and is currently under the care of the specialist team at Guys & St Thomas.

Don McMath School - Gambia

Our other charity is the Don McMath School in The Gambia.
Although the Constitution of The Gambia mandates free and compulsory primary education, a lack of resources and education infrastructure has made implementation difficult. School fees have long prevented many children from attending school.

The Don McMath Foundation runs the only totally free school in The Gambia. The Foundation is entirely funded by sponsorship and a mere £60 will provide everything a child needs for a years education, including their uniform ! We have supported the school for many years and witnessed first hand the appalling poverty, from which the only escape is a good education.